Abstract Nonsense

Abstract Nonsense

Ramblings by Benjamin Kovach

Theme adapted from minimal by orderedlist.

The Mother of all Monads

Published by Ben Kovach on August 16, 2014

Tags: haskell, continuations

Notes on The Mother of all Monads

Goal: Find a “universal” monad that encompasses the power of all others.

import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Functor.Identity

ex1 :: Cont String Integer
ex1 = do 
  a <- return 1
  b <- return 10
  return $ a + b
test1 = runCont ex1 show

test1 results in “11”. The Cont monad gives us back something that takes a function and applies it to 11. We can add a “hole” in the above computation that should hold an integer; we can do this inside the monad by using a continuation (which we name fred).

The Cont monad allows you to write subexpressions that are able to “capture” the entirety of the code around them, up to the function provided to runCont.

ex2 :: ContT r m Integer
ex2 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- ContT (\fred -> fred 10)
  return $ a+b

test2 = runCont ex2 show

test2 results in “11” as well. We’ve just shoved 10 into the computation’s hole. The expression for b can do whatever it wants with fred as long as it returns a String (in this case)

ex3 :: ContT Char [] Integer
ex3 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- ContT (\fred -> "escape")
  return $ a+b

test3 = runContT ex3 show 

test3 returns "escape"; fred here is completely ignored. The computation is thrown out – continuations provide exception handling, which is what Maybe provides!

ex4 :: ContT r [] Integer
ex4 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- ContT (\fred -> fred 10 ++ fred 20)
  return $ a+b

test4 = runContT ex4 show

test4 returns “1121”.

NB. I think this is what happens: We run the whole computation ex4 for the first subexpression fred 10; i.e. b “becomes” 10, a is 1, and by adding we get 11. Then we do the same thing with fred 20, so b “becomes” 20, a is 1, and by adding we get 21. Now we have both subparts of our final answer, which we then show and concatenate together with runContT.

Note that this code is a lot like this computation in the list monad:

test5 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- [10,20]
  return $ a+b

test5 returns [11, 21]; we can emulate this in Cont!

ex6 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- ContT (\fred -> fred 10 ++ fred 20)
  return $ a+b

test6 = runContT ex6 (:[])

ex6 is equivalent to (because >>= for lists is concatMap):

ex8 = do
  a <- return 1
  b <- ContT (\fred -> [10,20] >>= fred)
  return $ a+b

test8 = runContT ex8 return

We have removed almost all list-specific logic in the above code! We’re using monad-related functions without do notation. One last thing:

i :: Monad m => m a -> ContT r m a
i x = ContT (\fred -> x >>= fred)

run :: Monad m => ContT r m r -> m r
run m = runContT m return

i boxes up exactly what we’ve been doing. run is just an alias for runContT that uses return as its “final” function. An example:

test9 :: [Int]
test9 = run $ do
  a <- i [1,2]
  b <- i [10,20]
  return $ a+b

test9 returns [11,21,12,22], as expected. If you think about this with the same type of logic as before, i.e. each computation “hole” gets filled and run in the entire context, but applied using monadic bind. Since run is completely monad-agnostic, we can then even write this:

test10 :: IO ()
test10 = run $ do
  i $ print "What is your name?"
  name <- i getLine
  i $ print $ "Merry Xmas " ++ name

Which produces:

λ> test10
"What is your name?"
"Merry Xmas Ben"

Interesting consequences beyond Haskell: Any language with support for continuations (with nice syntax) should have a nice syntax for monadic computations as well! Very cool.

For further reading, check Control.Monad.Cont on Hackage. In particular, keep in mind that callCC is a thing, which allows the user to interrupt execution of a running Cont block. Here’s the example for reference:

whatsYourName :: String -> String
whatsYourName name =
  (`runCont` id) $ do                    
    response <- callCC $ \exit -> do     
      validateName name exit             
      return $ "Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"
    return response                      

validateName :: Monad m => String -> (String -> m ()) -> m ()
validateName name exit = do
  when (null name) (exit "You forgot to tell me your name!")

validateName calls exit implicitly when it receives a failing message. whatsYourName runs a continuation which calls validateName in order to make sure that one is provided. The above can be slightly modified using ContT to run in IO:

whatsYourName' :: IO ()
whatsYourName' = flip runContT putStrLn $ 
    callCC $ \exit -> do
      name <- liftIO $ do
        putStrLn "What's your name?"
      validateName name exit             
      return $ "Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"

Further reading: - Free Monads for Less on Codensity

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